Asked by Myrana Exantus on Feb 29, 2024



Who is career assessment often traced back to?

A) Parsons
B) Frankl
C) Minor
D) Thurstone

Career Assessment

A process involving the use of tests and tools to help individuals understand their interests, values, skills, and personality to make informed career decisions.


Refers to Talcott Parsons, an American sociologist known for his contributions to social theory and the development of the structural functionalism approach.


Viktor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist and psychiatrist as well as a Holocaust survivor, who founded logotherapy, a form of existential analysis.

  • Acknowledge the pivotal roles played by leading theorists within the realm of career assessment.

Verified Answer

Chris SprayFeb 29, 2024
Final Answer :
Explanation :
Career assessment is often traced back to Frank Parsons, who is considered the "father of vocational guidance." Parsons believed that individuals should choose a career based on their personal traits, abilities, and interests. He developed the first career assessment tests to help individuals make informed career choices.