Asked by Becca Rogier on Apr 24, 2024



Even after legal segregation was over, school segregation continued to be determined by housing patterns.

Legal Segregation

The practice of separating people in daily life based on legally enforced racial, ethnic, or other differences, notably practiced in the United States as "Jim Crow" laws until the mid-20th century.

Housing Patterns

Housing patterns describe the distribution and characteristics of dwelling places within a particular area, often highlighting residential segregation, urban vs. suburban living, and variations in architectural styles and living conditions.

  • Examine the progression of American self-perception and national identity as influenced by cultural conflicts and immigration movements.

Verified Answer

Geethan Ramesh1 week ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
School segregation often persists due to housing patterns, as neighborhoods can be racially or economically homogeneous, leading to schools that reflect those same demographics.