Asked by Andrea Moreno on Apr 24, 2024



Once the child is born, various procedures are performed on the infant, including foot printing, putting antibiotic ointment in the eyes to prevent infection, and giving the baby an injection of vitamin K to

A) increase the heart rate.
B) enhance independent breathing.
C) help the blood clot properly if the newborn bleeds.
D) induce sleep.

Antibiotic Ointment

A topical medication used to prevent or treat skin infections by killing bacteria or inhibiting their growth.

Vitamin K

is a fat-soluble vitamin essential for blood clotting and bone metabolism.

Foot Printing

The practice of taking an inked impression of a newborn's foot, used for identification purposes and as a keepsake.

  • Comprehend the medical interventions applied to newborns right after birth and their objectives.

Verified Answer

Anuja Dhungana1 week ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
Vitamin K is given to newborns to help their blood clot properly and prevent a rare but serious bleeding disorder known as Vitamin K Deficiency Bleeding (VKDB). This is not related to heart rate, breathing, or inducing sleep.