Asked by Tylour Smith on Apr 25, 2024



Identify the three types of patents, their requirements, and duration.


The length of time that something lasts or continues.

Types Of Patents

Categories of patents which include utility patents for new inventions or functional improvements, design patents for ornamental designs, and plant patents for new plant varieties.

Patent Requirements

The criteria set by patent law that inventions must meet to be eligible for patent protection, including novelty, non-obviousness, and usefulness.

  • Identify the unique components and length of time for design, plant, and utility patents.

Verified Answer

Yasmeen Albanna5 days ago
Final Answer :
The three types of patents are utility, plant, and design patents.
(a) A utility patent covers new and useful processes, machines, manufacture, or composition of matter or any new and useful improvement thereof. To be patentable as a utility patent, the process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter must meet the criteria of novelty, utility, and nonobviousness. A utility patent has a term of twenty years from the date of application, subject to extensions for certain delays identified by statute. The patent begins on the date of the patent's grant.
(b) A plant patent protects the exclusive right to reproduce a new and distinctive variety of asexually producing plant. Plant patents require novelty, distinctiveness, and nonobviousness and have a 20-year term.
(c) Design patents protect new, original, ornamental design for an article of manufacture. A design patent protects only the appearance, not the structural or functional features, of an article. Design patents require novelty, ornamentality, and nonobviousness and have a term of 14 years from the date of grant.