Asked by Tyler Decker on Jun 15, 2024



Describe the miracle question and how it might be useful in a session with a client.

Miracle Question

A therapeutic question used in solution-focused brief therapy which asks clients to imagine how their life would be different if they woke up tomorrow and their problem was solved.

Useful in Session

Refers to techniques, interventions, or information that can be effectively applied during a therapy or counseling session to promote healing or understanding.

  • Comprehend the role and execution of the miracle question in imagining a future devoid of current challenges.

Verified Answer

Nathan LeungJun 19, 2024
Final Answer :
The miracle question is a technique often used in solution-focused therapy to help clients envision a future where their problems have been resolved. It typically goes something like this: "Imagine that while you were sleeping tonight, a miracle happened, and the problem that brought you here is solved. What would be different tomorrow? What would be the first small signs that things had changed?"

This question can be useful in a session with a client because it helps them shift their focus from the problem to the solution. By asking the client to imagine a future where their issue is no longer a problem, it can help them identify their goals and what steps they need to take to achieve them. It can also provide a sense of hope and motivation, showing the client that change is possible and helping them to see the potential for a positive outcome.

Overall, the miracle question can be a powerful tool for helping clients to envision a future where their problems have been resolved and to identify the steps they need to take to get there. It can also help to shift the client's mindset from feeling stuck and hopeless to feeling empowered and motivated to make positive changes in their life.