Asked by Jasmine Moffett on Sep 22, 2024



Constructionists tend to analyze how social control agencies define some people as deviant and carry out sanctions against them.


Individuals or theorists who support the concept of social constructionism, which posits that many aspects of our reality and social norms are created by societal agreements rather than inherent truths.

Social Control Agencies

Organizations or institutions tasked with enforcing norms, laws, and regulations to maintain societal order and cohesion.


Measures taken by a country or international body to enforce international law, often involving trade restrictions or economic measures.

  • Understand the differing perspectives on deviance, particularly the constructionist and positivist perspectives.
  • Analyze how social control agencies define and manage deviant behavior.

Verified Answer

Kaden Maticic4 days ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
Constructionists believe that deviance is a socially constructed concept that is defined and enforced by social control agencies, such as governments, corporations, and media outlets. They argue that these agencies can label certain individuals or groups as deviant based on social norms and values, and that the sanctions imposed on them are also shaped by power relations and social contexts.