Asked by Aileen Gazmen on Sep 25, 2024



Which stage will have both high birth and death rates,according to the demographic transition model? 

A)  the postindustrial stage 
B)  the preindustrial stage 
C)  the industrial stage 
D)  the transitional stage

Demographic Transition Model

is a theory that describes the changes in birth rates, death rates, and population growth as a society progresses from a pre-industrial to an industrialized economic system.

Birth Rates

The amount of live births for every thousand individuals within a population annually.

Death Rates

The quantity of fatalities within a specific group, adjusted for its population size, over a given time period.

  • Identify markers of health and population changes across various settings.

Verified Answer

Madeleine Johnsonabout 16 hours ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
In the preindustrial stage, both birth rates and death rates are high due to limited access to healthcare and high levels of poverty, leading to a lower life expectancy. As societies transition to industrialization and urbanization, access to healthcare and education improves which leads to lower death rates followed by lower birth rates in later stages.