Asked by Kaylee Madray on Sep 28, 2024



Which of the following factors influences the intensity of a peak in the IR spectrum of a molecule?

A) mass of atoms
B) dipole moment
C) bond strength
D) bond length

IR Spectrum

An infrared spectrum, a graph displaying the absorption of infrared radiation by a substance at different frequencies, useful in identifying molecular structures.

Peak Intensity

A measure of the strength or amplitude of a peak in a spectrum, indicating the relative quantity of the analyte present.

  • Comprehend and detail how bond strength, atom mass, and dipole moment influence infrared spectroscopic data.

Verified Answer

Mallory Bates3 days ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
The intensity of a peak in the IR spectrum of a molecule is influenced by the dipole moment of the molecule. This is because the IR spectrum is based on the absorption of IR radiation by the molecule's vibrating bonds, which is related to changes in the dipole moment during the vibration. Bonds with higher dipole moments will absorb more IR radiation and appear as more intense peaks in the spectrum.