Asked by Triê?u Minh Sang on Sep 28, 2024



Which of the following statements about the Birmingham Movement is LEAST accurate?

A) It succeeded despite the local police force's refusal to be baited into using violence to disperse the protestors.
B) It initially began as a local effort to desegregate public facilities through the courts.
C) It focused on attacking the city's white economic power structure through boycotts and mass demonstrations.
D) It brought children into the civil rights movement as active protestors.

Birmingham Movement

A significant campaign during the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s in Birmingham, Alabama, aiming to end racial segregation and discrimination.

Economic Power Structure

The organization and control of economic resources and wealth within a society, often influencing political and societal norms.


Acts of protest in which individuals refuse to engage in buying, using, or participating in services or activities as a means of expressing dissent or forcing change.

  • Recognize the approaches and ideologies that influenced the civil rights movement.
  • Understand the significance of both individual and communal initiatives in opposing racial segregation and discrimination.

Verified Answer

Joanna Marieabout 2 hours ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
The Birmingham Movement is notable for the violent response from local police, including the use of dogs and fire hoses against protestors, which contradicts the statement in choice A.