Asked by Isaac Johnson on Jun 24, 2024



A man with anxieties about his aggressive impulses presents himself as the opposite extreme, a crusader against violence. His behavior apparently illustrates which Freudian defense mechanism?

A) displacement
B) projection
C) sublimation
D) reaction formation

Defense Mechanism

Psychological strategies unconsciously used to protect oneself from anxiety or unacceptable thoughts and feelings.

Reaction Formation

A psychological defense mechanism where an individual unconsciously replaces unacceptable thoughts or feelings with their opposites.

Aggressive Impulses

Instinctual drives that lead individuals to act or react in a forceful or hostile manner.

  • Comprehend the idea of reaction formation and its behavioral manifestations.

Verified Answer

Penelope DominguezJun 25, 2024
Final Answer :
Explanation :
The man's behavior of presenting himself as the opposite extreme of his anxieties about aggressive impulses indicates the defense mechanism of reaction formation. He is expressing a behavior that is the opposite of what he is feeling, creating an overcompensation to protect himself from his own anxieties.