Asked by madan gopal on Oct 01, 2024

A patient with fluctuating levels of consciousness, disturbed orientation, and perceptual alteration begs, "Someone get these bugs off me." What is the nurse's best response?

A) "No bugs are on your legs. You are having hallucinations."
B) "I will have someone stay here and brush off the bugs for you."
C) "Try to relax. The crawling sensation will go away sooner if you can relax."
D) "I don't see any bugs, but I can tell you are frightened. I will stay with you."

Tactile Hallucinations

Sensory experiences involving the sense of touch, where individuals feel something is happening to their bodies that is not actually occurring.

Cerebral Function

Refers to the activities related to the brain, including thinking, memory, sensation, and movement.

  • Execute relevant caregiving strategies for patients suffering from hallucinations or incorrect perceptions.
  • Utilize adept communication strategies when interacting with those experiencing cognitive difficulties.