Asked by Onyx. ShadowYT on Sep 30, 2024

A political candidate uses a negative campaign commercial in which the candidate's opponent is shown alongside a negative image of an angry mob.What is the intent of this commercial

A)  to create an accurate contrast between the candidate and the opponent 
B)  to indicate to the public that the opponent was the individual who angered the mob in the first place 
C)  to associate the opponent with a negative emotional response 
D)  to associate positive emotional responses with the candidate who sponsored the commercial

Angry Mob

A large, disorderly group of people expressing furiously and often violently.

Negative Campaign

A political campaign strategy focused on discrediting or attacking the opposition, rather than promoting positive attributes or policies of the candidate.

Emotional Response

The subjective experience and expression of emotions in reaction to stimuli.

  • Identify the differences between conditioned and unconditioned stimuli and responses as applied to classical conditioning.