Asked by Suwayda Sheikh-Mohammed on Sep 26, 2024

According to Merton's anomie-strain theory,which of the following statements is true?

A) All Americans have about the same chance of reaching high success goals.
B) Both the cultural goals of success and the legitimate means of achieving high success goals are freely available to all Americans.
C) Relatively few Americans believe that success is an important part of life.
D) The legitimate means of achieving high success goals are not freely available to all classes of people.

Anomie-Strain Theory

A sociological theory that suggests crime results from the disconnect between societal goals and the means available to achieve them.

Cultural Goals

The aspirations or desired outcomes that are widely shared and valued within a culture.

  • Comprehend the foundational concepts of Merton's anomie-strain theory, including how societal goals relate to the accessible lawful methods to reach these goals.
  • Understand the importance of social pressures and the discrepancy between goals and means in fostering deviant actions as explained by the anomie-strain theory.