Asked by Audrey Swinson on Sep 29, 2024

According to one theory of colour vision,colours are signalled in pairs by neurons that fire faster to one colour and slower to another colour.What is this theory called

A)  trichromatic theory 
B)  dichromatic theory 
C)  opponent process theory 
D)  complementary colour theory

Opponent Process Theory

A theory that suggests emotional experiences are processed by opposing systems, one which is activated by the experience and another that produces the opposite effect to maintain emotional equilibrium.

Trichromatic Theory

A theory explaining how the human eye perceives color through the response of three types of cones sensitive to red, green, and blue light.

Dichromatic Theory

A hypothesis in color vision proposing that two types of color receptors (cones) in the eyes are responsible for color perception.

  • Elucidate on color vision theories, namely trichromatic and opponent process theories, and acquire an understanding of how the brain processes color perception.