Asked by Nguy?n Tr?ng on Sep 26, 2024

According to Sutherland's differential association theory,a person may become deviant or delinquent when there is a(n)

A) economic strain produced by a lack of economic opportunity.
B) political movement that calls for attacks on social inequality.
C) excess of deviant contacts favorable to violation of the law.
D) absence of deviant contacts calling for obeying the law.

Differential Association Theory

A theory proposed by Edwin H. Sutherland positing that criminal behavior is learned through social interactions with others.

Deviant Contacts

Associations or interactions with individuals or groups considered deviant by societal standards.

Violation of the Law

An act or behavior that goes against the established legal rules and regulations.

  • Gain insights into the myriad theories explaining the genesis and persistence of deviance and crime.
  • Discern and elucidate distinctions among principal sociological theories, namely control theory, differential association theory, strain theory, and social learning theory.