Asked by Beverly Chafton on May 19, 2024



Acme Co. ,a widget manufacturer,is acquiring Basic,Inc. ,another widget manufacturer.In view of the nature of the widget industry,a manufacturer's sales territories tend to correspond closely to the states in which it has manufacturing plants.Both Acme and Basic have plants in North Carolina,South Carolina,Tennessee,and Kentucky.In addition,Acme has plants in Illinois and Indiana,and Basic has a plant in Ohio.The post-merger market share of the two firms is likely to be 5 percent in the combined North Carolina,South Carolina,Tennessee,Kentucky,Illinois,Indiana,and Ohio markets,10 percent in the combined North Carolina,South Carolina,Tennessee,and Kentucky markets,and 32 percent in the combined North Carolina-South Carolina market,where Acme and Basic have been historically strong competitors.Which of the above markets is likely to be treated as the relevant geographic market for purposes of determining the legality of the acquisition? Why that market?

Widget Manufacturer

A company or entity engaged in the production of small mechanical or electronic devices or gadgets.

Relevant Geographic Market

An area in which a company competes for business, used in assessing competitive dynamics and antitrust concerns.

  • Describe the procedures and factors involved in corporate mergers and the legal consequences thereof.

Verified Answer

Ubaid ShaikhMay 19, 2024
Final Answer :
The North Carolina-South Carolina market is the relevant geographic market.In determining the legality of a horizontal merger (the sort of merger at issue here),courts will not focus on where the acquiring and acquired firms do business,or even upon where they compete.Instead,they will focus on the area in which the effects of the merger will be "direct and immediate." On these facts,that area will be the North Carolina-South Carolina market.