Asked by Austin Henderson on Apr 24, 2024



Analyze the consequences of American rule in Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines. Did the citizens prosper? Enjoy freedom? Accept American rule? Comment on the consequences for the United States with regard to the statement made by Eric Foner in the text: "Thus, two principles central to American freedom since the War of Independence-no taxation without representation and government based on the consent of the governed-were abandoned when it came to the nation's new possessions."

American Rule

A legal principle that each party in a lawsuit pays its own attorney's fees, unlike the "English Rule" where the losing party pays.

Puerto Rico

An island and unincorporated territory of the United States located in the northeastern Caribbean Sea, known for its rich culture and history.


An island nation in the Caribbean known for its significant role in Cold War politics, rich cultural heritage, and complex history with the United States.

  • Investigate the consequences of American imperialism in territories like Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines.

Verified Answer

Dylan Tello6 days ago
Final Answer :
The consequences of American rule in Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines varied for each territory. In Puerto Rico, American rule led to economic development and modernization, but also resulted in the loss of political autonomy and cultural identity for the Puerto Rican people. In Cuba, American rule initially brought about improvements in infrastructure and public health, but also led to political instability and the suppression of Cuban independence movements. In the Philippines, American rule resulted in a brutal and bloody conflict as Filipino nationalists fought against American colonial rule.

Overall, the citizens of these territories did not necessarily prosper under American rule. While there were some economic benefits, the loss of political autonomy and cultural suppression had negative impacts on the people. Additionally, the idea of enjoying freedom was also compromised as the citizens of these territories were not given the same rights and freedoms as American citizens. Many did not accept American rule and fought against it, leading to ongoing conflicts and resistance movements.

Eric Foner's statement about the abandonment of principles central to American freedom is particularly relevant in this context. The idea of "no taxation without representation" and "government based on the consent of the governed" was not applied to the territories under American rule. This highlights the hypocrisy of American actions in these territories, as they were denying the very principles that they had fought for in their own independence.

In terms of consequences for the United States, the actions in these territories had long-lasting impacts. The suppression of independence movements and the imposition of American rule led to ongoing conflicts and resentment in these territories. It also raised questions about the true intentions of American expansion and the extent to which the United States was willing to uphold its own principles of freedom and democracy. Overall, the consequences of American rule in Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Philippines were complex and had far-reaching implications for both the territories and the United States.