Asked by BlueBaboon73 War Robots on Sep 23, 2024

Based on research on nonverbal communication in organizational settings,which of the following statements is NOT true?

A) Nonverbal behaviors play a significant role in many areas of organizational functioning.
B) Salespeople who make more eye contact are perceived by customers to be more believable.
C) Interviewers rate job applicants as more suitable for employment when the applicants display low levels of direct eye contact than when they display high levels of direct eye contact.
D) The verbal and nonverbal behaviors of job applicants interviewed by a "cold" interviewer are rated more negatively by independent judges than the verbal and nonverbal behaviors of job applicants interviewed by a "warm" interviewer.

Nonverbal Communication

The transmission of messages or signals through a non-linguistic means, such as facial expressions, body language, and gestures.

Direct Eye Contact

A form of non-verbal communication that occurs when two people look directly into each other's eyes, indicating various messages or emotions.

  • Gain insight into how nonverbal communication influences organizational contexts.