Asked by Laney Reynolds on Jul 02, 2024



Briefly explain the merits and demerits of charismatic leadership with examples.

Charismatic Leadership

A leadership style characterized by an individual's ability to inspire and motivate followers through personal charm and persuasion.


The qualities of being particularly good or worthy, especially so as to deserve praise or reward.


The negative points or marks received for poor performance or misconduct.

  • Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of charismatic leadership.

Verified Answer

Salar Nijaty5 days ago
Final Answer :
Answers will vary. Charismatic leadership carries with it not only great potential for high levels of achievement and performance on the part of followers but also shadowy risks of destructive courses of action that might harm followers or other people. The ugly face of charisma is revealed in the personalized power motivations of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany and David Koresh of the Branch Davidian cult in Waco, Texas. Both men led their followers into struggle, conflict, and death. The brighter face of charisma is revealed in the socialized power motivations of former U.S. presidents Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan. While worlds apart in terms of their political beliefs, they were actually quite similar in their use of personal charisma to inspire followers and motivate them to pursue a specific vision. In each case, followers perceived the leader as imbued with a unique vision for America and unique abilities to lead the country there. Please see the section "Recent Leadership Theories" for more information.