Asked by Khandis Henry on Sep 27, 2024

By introducing their concept of differential illegitimate opportunity,Cloward and Ohlin totally reject Merton's version of anomie-strain theory.

Differential Illegitimate Opportunity

A concept within criminology that explains variations in the rates of deviance among different social groups due to unequal access to legitimate means of achieving success.

Anomie-Strain Theory

A concept in criminology that explores the disconnect between societal goals and the availability of legitimate means to achieve those goals, leading to deviance.

  • Comprehend the range of theories detailing the reasons for and continual presence of deviance and crime.
  • Understand the idea of anomie and its consequences within the field of sociology, particularly in relation to Merton's Anomie-Strain Theory.
  • Evaluate the influence of societal factors, including social class and available opportunities, on deviant behavior.