Asked by Kellan Maxwell on May 18, 2024



Describe an example of a species that uses a predictable environmental cue other than photoperiodism to determine either circadian or circannual rhythms. Specify the species, the environmental cue it uses, and the behavioral rhythm that changes based on that cue.

Predictable Environmental Cue

A predictable environmental cue is a consistent signal from the environment that organisms can use to time certain behaviors or life history events.


Relating to biological processes that occur in a natural, cyclic pattern of approximately 24 hours.

Circannual Rhythms

Biological processes and behaviors that display an annual, or yearly, cycle.

  • Analyze the specific environmental indicators that different organisms rely on to manage their biological cycles.
  • Recognize and elucidate instances of animal behavior adaptation in reaction to distinct environmental elements.

Verified Answer

Anusree RadhakrishnanMay 20, 2024
Final Answer :
From the textbook, possible answers include: Atlantic marsh fiddler crabs use lunar cycles to determine foraging and mating behavioral cycles; Galápagos marine iguanas use the interaction between diurnal and tidal cycles to change foraging behavior from intertidal foraging to subtidal foraging when high tide takes place at midday; banner-tailed kangaroo roots use lunar cycles to avoid foraging when moonlight is available to aid predators; African lions use lunar cycles to determine when to hunt during the day or night depending on the amount of moonlight available to aid their prey; nocturnal marine worms use moonlight cues to entrain a circalunar clock that synchronizes reproductive cycles and influences mating behavior.