Asked by Olivia Haver on May 02, 2024



Describe each of the three components of the Albert Ellis's ABC theory.

Albert Ellis

A prominent 20th-century psychologist who developed Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT), a form of psychotherapy that focuses on identifying and changing irrational beliefs.

ABC Theory

A concept in psychology that suggests that a person's belief (B) about an event (A) affects their consequent emotional and behavioral responses (C).

Cognitive Therapy

A type of psychotherapy that identifies and helps change negative thought patterns and behaviors.

  • Understand the defining characteristics and purposes of various psychotherapeutic approaches.

Verified Answer

atrturo hernandezMay 08, 2024
Final Answer :
Activating Event - This is the first component of Albert Ellis's ABC theory. It refers to the specific event or situation that triggers an emotional or behavioral response. This could be anything from a specific interaction with someone to a particular thought or memory.

B : Belief - The second component of the ABC theory is the belief or interpretation that the individual has about the activating event. This belief can be rational or irrational, and it greatly influences the emotional and behavioral response to the event. Ellis believed that irrational beliefs, such as demandingness or catastrophizing, lead to negative emotional and behavioral outcomes.

C : Consequence - The final component of the ABC theory is the consequence, which refers to the emotional or behavioral response that occurs as a result of the activating event and the individual's belief about it. This could be anything from feeling anxious or angry to engaging in a specific behavior, such as avoidance or aggression. Ellis emphasized that changing irrational beliefs can lead to more adaptive emotional and behavioral consequences.