Asked by PerRy Ahuja on Jul 06, 2024



Discuss the ideas on which the First New Deal was based, and examine and assess the effectiveness of at least five programs or agencies created to implement those ideas.

First New Deal

Refers to the series of programs and policies implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in the 1930s aimed at recovering the United States from the Great Depression.


Governmental organizations established to undertake specific, sector-focused duties and responsibilities within the broader public administration framework.


Organized efforts or plans of action designed to achieve specific goals or outcomes, such as social services, educational curricula, or government initiatives.

  • Analyze the principles behind the First and Second New Deals and evaluate the effectiveness of their respective programs.

Verified Answer

Danish NazirJul 12, 2024
Final Answer :
The First New Deal, implemented by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in response to the Great Depression, was based on the idea of using government intervention to stimulate the economy and provide relief to those suffering from the economic downturn. The New Deal aimed to address the three R's: relief for the unemployed and poor, recovery of the economy to normal levels, and reform of the financial system to prevent a repeat of the depression.

One of the key ideas of the First New Deal was to create jobs and stimulate economic activity through public works projects. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was one of the most successful programs in this regard, employing young men to work on conservation and infrastructure projects. The Works Progress Administration (WPA) also provided employment by funding a wide range of public works projects, including the construction of roads, bridges, and public buildings.

Another important aspect of the First New Deal was the regulation of the financial system to prevent another economic collapse. The Glass-Steagall Act established the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) to insure bank deposits and separate commercial and investment banking. This helped restore confidence in the banking system and prevent future bank runs.

The Agricultural Adjustment Act (AAA) was created to address the crisis in the agricultural sector by paying farmers to reduce production and raise crop prices. While controversial and criticized for its impact on small farmers and tenant farmers, the AAA did succeed in stabilizing farm incomes and prices.

The National Industrial Recovery Act (NIRA) aimed to stimulate industrial recovery by establishing codes of fair competition and encouraging collective bargaining. The Public Works Administration (PWA) was created under the NIRA to fund large-scale public works projects and stimulate industrial recovery.

Overall, the First New Deal was based on the idea of using government intervention to address the economic crisis and provide relief to those in need. While some programs were more effective than others, the New Deal as a whole helped to alleviate the worst effects of the Great Depression and laid the groundwork for future economic recovery. However, it also faced criticism for not going far enough in addressing the underlying causes of the depression and for its impact on certain groups, such as African Americans and women.