Asked by Chloe Bonin on Sep 23, 2024



For a long time,Bob regularly approached his boss to offer what he thought were useful suggestions regarding ways to improve the department in which he worked.However,Bob's boss always ignored him and Bob eventually stopped offering suggestions.One day,Bob's boss moved to a new company,and Bob found himself with a new boss.However,Bob continued to never offer any suggestions.Which psychological phenomenon best helps to account for Bob's behavior?

A) bystander effect
B) helplessness
C) social anxiety
D) self-presentational motivation

Bystander Effect

Bystander Effect is a social psychological phenomenon where individuals are less likely to offer help to a victim when other people are present, often due to the diffusion of responsibility.


A state of being unable to act or achieve goals due to perceived lack of control, often resulting in decreased motivation.

Social Anxiety

The fear of social situations that involve interaction with other people, often driven by fear of evaluation or scrutiny.

  • Grasp the concept of learned helplessness and its implications.

Verified Answer

Jaspal Singh Cheema6 days ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
Bob's previous experiences with his old boss repeatedly ignoring him when he offered suggestions may have led to feelings of helplessness and resignation, causing him to not offer suggestions to his new boss. This behavior can be explained by the learned helplessness phenomenon.