Asked by Naveen kumar on Sep 30, 2024

Founded in 1919 by white Methodist minister Will W.Alexander,the Commission on Interracial Cooperation denounced all of the following EXCEPT

A) segregation.
B) debt peonage.
C) disenfranchisement.
D) mob violence.

Commission on Interracial Cooperation

An organization founded in the early 20th century aimed at promoting better relations and understanding between the races in the American South.

Debt Peonage

A system where a person's labor is demanded as a means of repaying a debt, often leading to long-term servitude and exploitation.

Will W. Alexander

An individual potentially notable for contributions to a specific field or event; further context is needed for a precise definition.

  • Comprehend the pivotal Supreme Court decisions impacting the rights of African Americans and analyze their consequences on civil liberties and the judicial system.
  • Detail the racial relations during the Progressive Era, encompassing the perspectives of African American groups and white reformers.