Asked by Amina Anika on Sep 29, 2024

Giovanni was watching the night sky on a clear evening in November.He noticed that sometimes when he looked directly overhead he could detect a very faint star.A few minutes later,it seemed that the star had disappeared and then it "appeared" again.How would you describe the light from the star in this case

A)  It produces a just noticeable difference. 
B)  It produces a distal stimulus. 
C)  It falls just below Giovanni's level for perceptual invariance. 
D)  It is just at Giovanni's absolute threshold for light.

Perceptual Invariance

The ability to perceive the unchanging properties of objects (shape, size, brightness, color) despite variations in the sensory input.

Absolute Threshold

The smallest amount of stimulation needed for a stimulus to be detected by the senses 50% of the time.

  • Develop an understanding of the absolute threshold and the concept of just noticeable difference.