Asked by Shelby Savacool on Sep 30, 2024

In general,which of the following is least likely to unconstitutionally burden interstate commerce?

A) A state law requiring that all state vehicles burn gasoline produced and refined within the state.
B) A state law imposing tougher purity standards on food imported from out of state than from food produced within the state.
C) A state law requiring in-state liquor distillers to post the prices at which they will sell within the state,and not to exceed those prices when they sell in other states.
D) A state tax on gasoline that makes it more expensive for trucking companies to route their trucks through the state.

Interstate Commerce

Interstate Commerce involves business transactions or the movement of goods and services across state lines within the United States, regulated by federal laws.

State Law

Laws enacted by state legislatures or adopted through the initiative process specifically within a state’s boundaries.

Unconstitutionally Burden

Actions or laws that unjustly hinder or restrict individuals' rights or operations, deemed to violate constitutional provisions, principles, or interpretations.

  • Describe the present importance and jurisdictional scope of the Commerce Clause.