Asked by Dewansh Chawla on Sep 27, 2024

In the cases of Grutter v.Bollinger and Gratz v.Bollinger,two cases related to affirmative action decided on the same day,the Supreme Court

A) unanimously decided that affirmative action policies at public universities violated the Equal Protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
B) affirmed,though only by one vote,the right of public universities to take race into consideration in admissions without restriction.
C) left the question of affirmative action in a nebulous state by striking down one affirmative action program but affirming another.
D) unanimously decided that public universities could take race into consideration in admissions without restriction.

Grutter v. Bollinger

A landmark United States Supreme Court case concerning affirmative action in student admissions.

Gratz v. Bollinger

A landmark United States Supreme Court case from 2003 regarding the University of Michigan undergraduate affirmative action admissions policy.

Affirmative Action

Policies or practices in employment and education designed to address historical injustices and inequalities faced by minorities and women, promoting diversity.

  • Grasp the social and political implications of affirmative action and electoral policies on African American communities.