Asked by Waleed Farghal on Sep 29, 2024

Joe,Meagan,Allison,and Timothy are classmates who must complete a major course assignment,as a group,by April 15th.During the first meeting,held on February 15th,they make plans for completing the project.Studies of the planning fallacy suggest they will

A) waste too much time planning out who will do what and when.
B) underestimate the amount of time the group will need to complete its work.
C) overestimate the amount of time the group will need to complete its work.
D) spend much of their time thinking about problems that might slow their progress.
E) make more accurate time estimates as a group than each one would if making plans individually.

Planning Fallacy

A cognitive bias where people underestimate the time, costs, and risks of future actions while overestimating the benefits, leading to overly optimistic project timelines.

  • Understand the impact of managing meetings, particularly in terms of time distribution and strategizing, on group decision-making results.