Asked by Alexandria Santoyo on Jun 07, 2024



Kohlberg's theory has been criticized for

A) placing too much emphasis on moral thought and too much emphasis on moral behavior.
B) placing too much emphasis on moral thought and not enough emphasis on moral behavior.
C) not placing enough emphasis on moral reasoning.
D) None of these.

Moral Thought

The process of reasoning about the ethical correctness or morality of actions and principles.

Kohlberg's Theory

Refers to the psychological theory proposed by Lawrence Kohlberg about the development of moral reasoning in individuals, consisting of three levels and six stages.

Moral Behavior

Conduct that is right or good in the context of governing moral principles.

  • Recognize critiques regarding Kohlberg's theory, particularly the focus on moral reasoning rather than actions and its relevance in various cultural contexts.

Verified Answer

Manyake SollyJun 14, 2024
Final Answer :
Explanation :
Kohlberg's theory has been criticized for placing too much emphasis on moral thought and not enough emphasis on moral behavior. Critics argue that moral behavior does not always correspond with moral reasoning and that people may act immorally even if they have reached high levels of moral reasoning. Therefore, moral behavior should also be taken into account when evaluating moral development.