Asked by Saurav Pandey on Jun 10, 2024



Mr. Smith is elderly and is unable to drive to the grocery store and the pharmacy. Daniel, his social worker, coordinates with the grocery and the pharmacy store owners and arranges for groceries and medicines to be delivered to Mr. Smith's home. In this context, Daniel plays the role of:​

A) ​arbitrator.
B) ​program developer.
C) ​case manager.
D) ​procedure developer.

Case Manager

A professional responsible for coordinating and facilitating the services and supports needed by an individual client.


numerical values that determine the position of a point or object in a space, typically using x, y, and z values for mapping.


The process of conveying a product, service, or message to its intended recipients or target audience.

  • Recognize the diverse roles of system linkages and their function in enabling client access to services and resources.

Verified Answer

Zybrea KnightJun 15, 2024
Final Answer :
Explanation :
Daniel coordinates with the grocery and pharmacy store owners and arranges for deliveries to Mr. Smith's home, indicating that he is managing Mr. Smith's case as a social worker. Therefore, Daniel plays the role of a case manager.