Asked by hafiz iskandarani on Jun 30, 2024



Name three diseases caused by protozoa. Include the causal organism, the group in which it is classified, and its means of transmission when possible.

Causal Organism

A pathogen or microorganism that causes disease or illness in its host.


An informal group of unicellular, animal-like protists, including amoebas, foraminiferans, actinopods, ciliates, flagellates, and apicomplexans. (The adjectival form is protozoan.)

Means of Transmission

The way in which diseases, pathogens, or information is spread from one individual or place to another.

  • Identify and describe diseases caused by protozoa, including causal organisms, classification, and transmission methods.

Verified Answer

anadalay estradaJul 02, 2024
Final Answer :
Concepts to Consider: Unikonts, Amoebozoa- Entamoeba histolytica , amoebic dysentery, transmitted via contaminated water Excavates, trypanosomes- Trypanosoma causes African sleeping sickness, transmitted via tsetse flies.
Excavates, diplomonads- Giardia intestinalis causes diarrhea, transmitted via contaminated water. Chromalveolates, alveolates, apicomplexans- Plasmodium causes malaria; transmitted via a mosquito.