Asked by Joude Mustafa on Sep 27, 2024

Police interrogation practices involve some serious moral and etghical issues.What are the key issues?

A) The imbalance of power and control between the interrogator and the suspect,resulting in the suspects loss of autonomy.
B) Violation of the rights of a suspect who is innocent and abuses of any suspect's privacy rights.
C) The possibiliyu that physical coercion could be used.
D) any or all of these

Moral And Ethical Issues

Questions and concerns related to what is right or wrong and the principles that govern individual or collective behavior.

Police Interrogation

The process by which police officers question suspects or witnesses to gather information or confessions related to criminal activity.

Imbalance Of Power

A situation where there is a disproportionate distribution of power or resources among individuals or groups, often leading to unequal treatment or outcomes.

  • Explore the moral concerns and ethical dilemmas involved in interrogation methods used by the police.