Asked by Alexia Williams on Sep 23, 2024

Read the paragraph below and answer the questions that follow.
(1) Houseguests can be classified according to their level of self-sufficiency as independent, semi-dependent, or completely dependent. (2) Independent guests make an effort to fit their routines to yours; they make their own beds, cook breakfast if they get up early, and know how to entertain themselves if you have other things to do. (3) These usually are the guests you want to invite back. (4) Semi-dependent guests demand more of your attention and companionship; they may want to be driven around town or may urge you to play pool with them even though you hate pool or have a term paper due. (5) Still, the guests in this category may have charming qualities that make their visit worthwhile. (6) Most infuriating are the helplessly dependent guests, who enter your house as if it were a hospital or spa, expecting to be taken care of. (7) My friend George, for example, sprawls on a chair, his feet on my coffee table, complaining about his love life while I cook dinner and set the table. (8) After two days of waiting on George while I try to solve his problems, I'm exhausted. (9) As these categories show, houseguests are a mixed blessing ⎯ some more mixed than others.
Select the number of the topic sentence in the paragraph above.

A) Sentence 1
B) Sentence 2
C) Sentence 3


The ability to fulfill all of one’s needs without external assistance.


Free from external control or influence; self-governing.

Completely Dependent

Being wholly reliant on someone or something else for support, sustenance, or survival.

  • Become proficient in the basic principles of classification and categorization.