Asked by Pamela Arreola on Sep 30, 2024

S agrees to sell B 10,000 widgets at a price of $1 per widget.After B breaches the contract,S resells the widgets for $0.90 per widget.As a result of selling the widgets at a lower price,S loses $100 in sales commissions.S saved $200 in shipping costs as the new customer was located closer to its factory.What amount can S recover from B?

A) $900
B) $100
C) $1,100
D) $1,000

Sales Commissions

Payments made to salespersons for facilitating or completing sales, typically calculated as a percentage of the sale price.

Shipping Costs

Expenses associated with transporting goods from one location to another, often included in the price of purchased items or paid separately by the buyer.

  • Familiarize yourself with the actions available to the seller and their required duties upon the buyer's failure to fulfill the agreement, including the finalization of merchandise and its resale.
  • Gain an understanding of the boundaries and constraints of incidental and consequential damages within the Uniform Commercial Code.