Asked by Shantelle Arrington on Sep 24, 2024



Select the letter of the correct definition of the word. Discuss effects

A) analyze the reasons for something
B) analyze the results or consequences of something
C) weigh the pros and cons

Analyze Reasons

The process of examining the causes or motives behind an action or event to understand it better.

  • Develop the ability to examine and convey causative factors and their consequences in the realm of essay and paragraph writing.

Verified Answer

Nikki Tucker6 days ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
The word "discuss effects" implies that the focus is on the outcomes or consequences of something, therefore option B, which means to analyze the results or consequences of something, is the best choice. Option A is not accurate because it refers to analyzing reasons, which is not the same as analyzing effects. Option C involves weighing pros and cons, which may not necessarily involve examining effects.