Asked by Maryna chirilov on May 13, 2024



Stephanie Jo Company established a petty cash fund of $300 on May 1. At the end of the month, the petty cash fund has $42 in cash; receipts for postage, $39; entertainment, $146; and office supplies, $70.Prepare the needed journal entries, recording any discrepancy in the cash short and over account.?  Journal  Date  Description  Post.  Ref.  Debit  Credit \begin{array}{l}\text { Journal }\\\begin{array} { | c | c | c | c | c | } \hline \text { Date } & \text { Description } & \begin{array} { c } \text { Post. } \\\text { Ref. }\end{array} & \text { Debit } & \text { Credit } \\\hline & & & & \\\hline & & & & \\\hline & & & & \\\hline & & & & \\\hline & & & & \\\hline & & & & \\\hline & & & & \\\hline\end{array}\end{array} Journal  Date  Description  Post.  Ref.  Debit  Credit 

Petty Cash Fund

A small amount of cash kept on hand for making immediate, minor expenditures.

Journal Entries

The recordation of financial transactions in a company's accounting system, typically involving a debit and credit entry.


An inconsistency or difference that arises in the course of comparing two sets of figures or facts, often leading to questions that require resolution.

  • Demonstrate the aptitude for entering cash transaction data into journals, which involves cash collection activities and petty cash fund maintenance.

Verified Answer

Vanessa GarciaMay 16, 2024
Final Answer :
?  Journal  Date  Description  Post.  Ref.  Debit  Credit  May 1  Petty Cash 300 Cash 30031 Postage Expense 39 Entertainment Expense 146 Office Supplies 70 Cash Short and Over 3 Cash 258\begin{array}{l}\text { Journal }\\\begin{array} { | l | l | r | r | r | } \hline \text { Date } & { \text { Description } } & \begin{array} { r } \text { Post. } \\\text { Ref. }\end{array} & \text { Debit } & \text { Credit } \\\hline \text { May 1 } & \text { Petty Cash } & & 300 & \\\hline & \text { Cash } & & & 300 \\\hline & & & & \\\hline 31 & \text { Postage Expense } & & 39 & \\\hline & \text { Entertainment Expense } & & 146 & \\\hline & \text { Office Supplies } & & 70 & \\\hline & \text { Cash Short and Over } & & 3 & \\\hline & \text { Cash } & & & 258 \\\hline\end{array}\end{array} Journal  Date  May 1 31 Description  Petty Cash  Cash  Postage Expense  Entertainment Expense  Office Supplies  Cash Short and Over  Cash  Post.  Ref.  Debit 30039146703 Credit 300258