Asked by Shannon Michaud on Apr 25, 2024



The current exchange rates show that US$1.00 = C$1.0339. If you have $375 US dollars, what is the equivalent amount in Canadian dollars?

A) C$313.13
B) C$362.70
C) C$300
D) C$315.76
E) C$387.71

Exchange Rates

The price at which one currency can be exchanged for another.

Canadian Dollars

The currency of Canada, represented by the symbol CAD or C$.

US Dollars

The official currency of the United States, widely used in international transactions and considered a major reserve currency.

  • Implement exchange rate equations to assess the value of commodities in various currencies.

Verified Answer

Eugene Shchytou6 days ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
To find the equivalent amount in Canadian dollars, multiply the amount in US dollars by the exchange rate: $375 * 1.0339 = C$387.71.