Asked by Vajra Spring on Sep 26, 2024

The following sentences form a paragraph. For each set of choices, select the answer in which conjunctions or conjunctive adverbs are used correctly and that is punctuated correctly. Which sentence is correct?

A) Everyone found the dish delicious consequently they asked what its name was.
B) Everyone found the dish delicious; however they asked what its name was.
C) Everyone found the dish delicious; therefore, they asked what its name was.

Conjunctive Adverbs

Words that connect two independent clauses together while also providing a transition that shows a relationship between them, like "however", "therefore", or "meanwhile".


Words that link clauses, sentences, or words, such as "and," "but," and "or," facilitating cohesion in writing.

Punctuated Correctly

The correct use of punctuation marks in writing to clarify meaning.

  • Choose and implement correct connecting phrases, including conjunctions and conjunctive adverbs, for the accurate assembly of simple sentences.
  • Solidify your command over the correct use of punctuation in writing compound and complex sentences with conjunctions or conjunctive adverbs.