Asked by Fatya Ismayilova on Sep 29, 2024

The lights around the movie marquee flashed on and off in succession.However,Jerome did not perceive them as separate lights flashing,but instead saw a continuous band of light moving around the edge of the marquee.What is this type of perception known as

A)  phi phenomenon 
B)  perceptual set 
C)  feature detection 
D)  bottom-up processing

Phi Phenomenon

An optical illusion in which stationary objects shown in rapid succession, such as flashing lights, appear to be moving.

Feature Detection

A process by which the nervous system detects specific elements of visuals, such as lines, edges, or movements, in order to recognize objects.

Bottom-Up Processing

An approach to information processing that starts with the sensory input and builds up to the perception of the whole from individual parts.

  • Identify the effects of perceptual illusions and how they are generated.