Asked by Mackenzie Bennett on Sep 27, 2024

The Roe v. Wade decision had which of the following effects?

A) It held that during the first trimester, states cannot restrict a woman's right to an abortion.
B) It held that during the second trimester, states may place restrictions on abortion to protect the health and safety of the pregnant women.
C) It held that during the third trimester, states may restrict abortion but only in ways that still preserve the health and safety of the pregnant woman.
D) All of these choices

Pregnant Woman

A female individual in the state of carrying a developing embryo or fetus within her uterus.

First Trimester

The initial phase of pregnancy from conception up to approximately 12 weeks, characterized by crucial developmental stages for the embryo/fetus.

Health And Safety

Encompass measures and protocols implemented to ensure the physical well-being and security of individuals in various environments.

  • Recognize pivotal Supreme Court rulings concerning abortion and understand their consequences.
  • Understand the significance of privacy and freedom within the framework of abortion rights.