Asked by Casey Bacon on Sep 29, 2024

The sand at Zane's feet appeared coarse,and he could see the individual grains of sand.However,the sand down the beach appeared to blur together.Which depth cue is most prominent in this example

A)  relative size 
B)  interposition 
C)  texture gradient 
D)  light and shadow

Texture Gradient

This visual cue indicates depth by the gradual change in appearance of objects as they move further away, with details becoming denser and finer the farther they are from the viewer.

Relative Size

A perceptual cue that allows the determination of the size of an object in comparison to another object of known size.


A visual cue in which an object that blocks part of another object is perceived as being closer to the observer.

  • Become familiar with the way in which visual perception is affected by depth perception and proximity.