Asked by Camilo Sarmiiento on Sep 27, 2024

This act applies to all federally-funded programs receiving financial assistance and was established to create a "level playing field." Any instrument used to measure appropriateness for a program or service must be measuring the individual's ability, not be a reflection of his or her disability.

A) Americans with Disabilities Act
B) The Buckley Amendment (FERPA)
C) Carl Perkins Act (PL 98-524)
D) Civil Rights Acts (1964 and amendments)
E) Freedom of Information Act
F) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
G) PL94-142 and IDEA
H) Privileged communication laws
I) Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act.
J) Jaffe v. Redmond

Level Playing Field

A concept involving fair competition where no individual or group has an advantage over others, ensuring equity and fairness in opportunities.

Section 504

A part of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in programs that receive federal financial assistance.

  • Align legal provisions with their particular descriptions, appreciating their ramifications on evaluation, secrecy, and adjustments.