Asked by Ta Quang Minh NGUYEN on Sep 27, 2024

This act or law asserts that if a student is found to have a disability, schools must assure the student is given accommodations for his or her disability and taught within the "least restrictive environment," which often is a regular classroom.

B) Carl Perkins Act (PL 98-524)
C) Civil Rights Acts (1964 and amendments)
D) PL94-142 and IDEA
E) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)


Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, a U.S. law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation.


A physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities.

Least Restrictive Environment

A principle in special education ensuring that a student with disabilities receives an education in a setting that allows for the highest degree of participation in the regular school environment possible.

  • Comprehend the legislation and statutes influencing the standards for accessibility, privacy, and equity in the realm of educational and vocational evaluation and testing.