Asked by Kisha Payne on Sep 28, 2024

Tracey became dehydrated during a recent illness,and the levels of sodium in her body were significantly reduced.What would we expect to occur if enough sodium was lost

A)  Her nervous system would become highly activated, and action potentials would be generated continuously. 
B)  More neurotransmitters would be produced in her terminal buttons. 
C)  Fewer action potentials would occur in her nervous system. 
D)  Glial cells would start to degenerate and die.


A chemical element (Na) that is a highly reactive metal and an essential nutrient for human health, particularly in nerve function and fluid balance.

Action Potentials

Short-lasting events in which the electrical membrane potential of a cell rapidly rises and falls.

Terminal Buttons

The small knobs at the end of an axon that release chemicals into the synapse to transmit signals to other neurons.

  • Describe the physiological adaptations to variations in neural activity, including alterations in voltage at receptor locations or the effects of dehydration on sodium concentrations.