Asked by Mattison Vrooman on Sep 30, 2024

Tracing its history back to the American Revolution,which unit was the only all-black company mustered as an integral part of a white regiment during the Spanish-American War?

A) Company D of the Sixth Virginia Infantry
B) Company H of the Third North Carolina Infantry
C) Company L of the Sixth Massachusetts Infantry
D) Company C of the Third Connecticut Infantry of Volunteers

American Revolution

The period (1765-1783) during which the thirteen American colonies fought for and gained independence from Great Britain.

All-Black Company

A military or business organization composed entirely of African American members, historically significant due to racial segregation practices.

Spanish-American War

A conflict in 1898 between Spain and the United States, resulting in U.S. acquisition of territories like Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines.

  • Recognize the key achievements of African Americans in the realm of political representation and their extensive fight for civil rights.
  • Investigate the imperial endeavors of the United States in the late 19th century, specifically its ambitions in Hawaii and the results stemming from the Spanish-American War.