Asked by Zohaib Farooq on Sep 23, 2024



Use the Binomial Theorem to expand the expression (x−2y5) 4\left( x - 2 y ^ { 5 } \right) ^ { 4 }(x2y5) 4 .

A) x4−8x3y+24x2y2−32xy3+16y4x ^ { 4 } - 8 x ^ { 3 } y + 24 x ^ { 2 } y ^ { 2 } - 32 x y ^ { 3 } + 16 y ^ { 4 }x48x3y+24x2y232xy3+16y4
B) x4−8x3y5+24x2y10−32xy15+16y20x ^ { 4 } - 8 x ^ { 3 } y ^ { 5 } + 24 x ^ { 2 } y ^ { 10 } - 32 x y ^ { 15 } + 16 y ^ { 20 }x48x3y5+24x2y1032xy15+16y20
C) x4−2x3y+4x2y2−8xy3+16y4x ^ { 4 } - 2 x ^ { 3 } y + 4 x ^ { 2 } y ^ { 2 } - 8 x y ^ { 3 } + 16 y ^ { 4 }x42x3y+4x2y28xy3+16y4
D) x4+4x3y5+6x2y10+4xy15+y20x ^ { 4 } + 4 x ^ { 3 } y ^ { 5 } + 6 x ^ { 2 } y ^ { 10 } + 4 x y ^ { 15 } + y ^ { 20 }x4+4x3y5+6x2y10+4xy15+y20
E) x4+4x3y+6x2y2+4xy3+y4x ^ { 4 } + 4 x ^ { 3 } y + 6 x ^ { 2 } y ^ { 2 } + 4 x y ^ { 3 } + y ^ { 4 }x4+4x3y+6x2y2+4xy3+y4

Binomial Theorem

A formula that provides the expansion of powers of a binomial as a sum of terms involving coefficients.


A combination of symbols that together represent a numerical or algebraic expression.


A symbol commonly used to represent an unknown quantity in mathematics.

  • Utilize the Binomial Theorem for the expansion of binomial expressions.
  • Examine and develop expressions that include powers of two-term polynomials.
  • Achieve proficiency in the procedure of enlarging binomials that include subtraction and various variables.

Verified Answer

fentahun bezieabout 21 hours ago
Final Answer :
Explanation :
The correct expansion using the Binomial Theorem involves each term having a combination of xxx and (−2y5)(-2y^5)(2y5) raised to powers that sum to 4, and coefficients determined by the binomial coefficients (4k)\binom{4}{k}(k4) , where kkk is the term number. The powers of −2y5-2y^52y5 increase, resulting in the powers of yyy being multiplied by 5 for each term, and the negative sign leads to alternating signs when raised to even/odd powers.