Asked by Maple Syrup on Sep 27, 2024

What did Wilhelm Wundt believe the focus of psychology should be

A)  studying stimulus-response associations 
B)  questioning the nature of existence 
C)  examining people's awareness of their immediate experience 
D)  determining people's unconscious motivation for behaviour

Wilhelm Wundt

Often referred to as the father of modern psychology, he established the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany, in 1879.

Stimulus-Response Associations

The connection formed between a stimulus and a natural or learned reaction.

Immediate Experience

Direct, real-time perception and sensation of events without the filter of reflection or analysis.

  • Absorb the critical theoretical advancements contributed by luminaries such as Wilhelm Wundt, William James, and John B. Watson to the field of psychology.
  • Understand the scientific study of conscious experience and its importance in the history of psychology.