Asked by St Helen Sthelen on Sep 29, 2024

What is likely to occur as worldviews move from being human-centred to more Earth-centred? 

A)  intrinsic values will become less important 
B)  instrumental values will play a lesser role 
C)  wild species will have value only if they are useful to humans 
D)  worldviews will become more utilitarian


A perspective or philosophy that emphasizes the importance of Earth's ecosystems and the intrinsic value of all living and non-living components of the planet.

Intrinsic Values

refers to the inherent worth of something, independent of its utility to humans.

Instrumental Values

Refers to the values or beliefs that are a means to an end, emphasizing the usefulness of something for achieving objectives.

  • Discriminate between the concepts of anthropocentrism, which centers on human values, and ecocentrism, which focuses on the Earth's values.
  • Acknowledge the environmental wisdom outlook and examine its effects on human decisions and regulations.