Asked by Jonathan Celestin on Jul 21, 2024



What is the difference between covert and overt self-reinforcement? Please give one example of each.

Covert Self-reinforcement

A psychological technique in which individuals reward themselves in subtle, often non-materialistic ways, to positively reinforce their own behavior.

Overt Self-reinforcement

A process in which an individual openly rewards themselves for a behavior, aiming to increase the likelihood of its recurrence.

  • Differentiate among various forms of reinforcement and their application in self-regulation.

Verified Answer

rebecca mironchukJul 26, 2024
Final Answer :
Covert self-reinforcement refers to the process of internally rewarding oneself for a behavior or achievement without any external recognition or reinforcement. This can include positive self-talk, mental praise, or feelings of satisfaction and pride. An example of covert self-reinforcement would be a student silently congratulating themselves for completing a difficult assignment or staying focused during a study session.

On the other hand, overt self-reinforcement involves outwardly rewarding oneself for a behavior or achievement. This can include giving oneself a tangible reward, such as buying a treat or taking a break, or verbally acknowledging and praising oneself. An example of overt self-reinforcement would be a person treating themselves to a movie night after successfully completing a challenging project at work.